04 January 2012

land of lost things

I watched a movie the other day that involved creating
black holes
that consumed everything and,
also, created a time warp.

I didn't really get it but the movie was okay despite
the confusing speculative premise.

Today I'm thinking about things
that are lost to me:
are they found to someone else?
The amount of stuff existing is pervasive:
how much is valued? useful?
Where do the lost things go?
the pieces to wholes that are invalid on their own
the independently functional

They say things
cannot be created nor destroyed
and thus everything exists
but it already existed
even still when dumped into a bin of refuse
matter that refuses to be useful
matter that I refuse to use
matter that will not be reused

you, thing, that I did not intend to lose
the thing that I meant to keep
will I find you someday in the land of lost things?

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